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Terms and Conditions


1.1. For this public contract of sale, the following terms are used in the following sense:

1.1.1. The contract is this public contract of sale, which provides for the sale of the Goods to an unspecified circle of Buyers using the means of remote communication (the Internet) through the online store on the website:

1.1.2. The goods are non-food consumer goods (clothing) that, under the terms of this Agreement, are offered for sale at a distance using remote communication (the Internet) in an online store.

1.1.3. The Seller – Ciseles. The location, contact details, and working hours of the Seller are indicated in the “Contacts” section on the website: of the online store.

1.1.4. The Buyer is any person with legal capacity who, by the procedure provided for in this Agreement, of their own free will fully accept (accepted) all its conditions without exception.

1.1.5. The Recipient of the Goods is any person with legal capacity specified by the Buyer in the relevant Order for the Goods as the recipient of the Goods.

1.2. For this Agreement, all terms specified in clause 1.1. are used exclusively in the meaning specified in clause 1.1. of this Agreement, regardless of the use of these terms in the singular or plural, or in other grammatical forms, cases, and/or constructions.

1.3. All other terms, which are not separately defined in this Agreement, are understood and interpreted in their literal grammatical meaning based on the provisions of the current legislation of Monaco, customs of business turnover, as well as the purpose and subject of this Agreement.


2.1. By the procedure and on the conditions established by this Agreement, the Seller undertakes to transfer to the Buyer the ownership of the Goods selected by them, and the Buyer undertakes to accept and pay for the Goods in the manner and on the conditions established by this Agreement.

2.2. Ownership of the Goods is transferred to the Buyer at the time of delivery (handover) of the Goods and subject to full payment by the Buyer of the cost of the Goods in the manner and under the conditions established by this Agreement.


3.1. The Buyer independently and at their discretion chooses in the online store on the website: available and offered for sale Product and:

clicks the “Add to cart” button and independently fills out and sends the “Ordering” form to the Seller, in which, in particular, they must indicate their surname, first and last name, contact phone number, e-mail address, chosen payment method, selected method and desired place of delivery of the Goods (full address consisting of postal code, country of delivery, city of delivery, delivery address, with indication of building number, entrance (if available), apartment number (if available)), surname, name and patronymic of the recipient of the Goods (if the recipient of the Goods will be the Recipient of the Goods),

3.2. After filling out the “Ordering” form, the Buyer must carefully familiarize themselves with all the terms of this Agreement, and in the case of acceptance (acceptance) of these terms in full – click the “Order” button, which is considered the fact that the Buyer has sent the corresponding Order for the selected Product.

3.3. This Agreement is considered concluded, and the Seller’s proposal for concluding this Agreement (offer) is fully accepted by the Buyer from the moment the Buyer clicks the “Make an order” button on the website:

3.4. By clicking on the “Place order” button, the Buyer confirms their full and complete agreement with all the terms of this Agreement without exception, including the conditions for delivery and payment of the Goods at the prices indicated on the website: on the date of conclusion of this Agreement by the Buyer.

3.5. By clicking on the “Make an order” button, the Buyer confirms that they have been notified by the Seller of:

location and mode of operation of the Seller;

the main characteristics and consumer properties of the Goods chosen by the Buyer;

the cost of the Product selected by the Buyer, as well as the cost of its delivery to the Buyer;

method, procedure, and conditions of payment and delivery of the Goods selected by the Buyer;

procedure for accepting claims;

the period of acceptance of the proposal (offer) regarding the conclusion of this public contract;

procedure for terminating this Agreement;

other conditions on which the Goods are offered for sale.

3.6. By clicking on the “Make an order” button, the Buyer confirms that they have received all the necessary, available, reliable and timely information about the selected Product in full and according to the requirements of the relevant Monegasque consumer protection laws, which fully ensure the possibility of a conscious and competent choice of this Product.

3.7. Clicking by the Buyer on the “Make an order” button is considered unconditional and full acceptance by the Buyer of all the terms of this Agreement without exceptions, as well as entering into the relevant contractual legal relationship with the Seller.

3.8. The term of processing by the Seller of the Order for the Goods sent by the Buyer is up to 3 (Three) working days from the date of filling and sending by the Buyer in the manner established in clauses 3.1.-3.2. of this Agreement, the form of such Order for Goods. If the specified Order for Goods was sent by the Buyer on a weekend or holiday, the term of processing of this Order for Goods begins on the first working day after the weekend or holiday.

3.9. During the period established in paragraph 3.8. of this Agreement, the Seller undertakes:

assign a serial number to the Goods Order sent by the Buyer;

send to the e-mail address specified by the Buyer in this Order for Goods, an automatic electronic notification about the processing of this Order for Goods, which indicates the serial number of this Order for Goods assigned by the Seller and information about the delivery period of the Goods ordered by the Buyer (if the Buyer ordered the Goods with delivery).

3.10. The Buyer has the right, upon notifying the Seller, to unilaterally withdraw from this Agreement during the entire period from the moment of its conclusion (acceptance of the Seller’s offer by the Buyer) until the actual receipt of the ordered Goods.


4.1. The Buyer has the right to:

4.1.1. demand from the Seller full and proper fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement;

4.1.2. refuse to accept and pay for poor-quality or incomplete Goods or Goods that do not correspond to the Order sent for these Goods;

4.1.3. withdraw from this Agreement in the manner and in the cases provided for by this Agreement and the current legislation of Monaco;

4.1.4. terminate this Agreement in the manner and in the cases provided for by this Agreement and the current legislation of Monaco;

4.1.5. in case of termination or rejection of this Agreement, demand from the Seller the return of money paid for the Goods;

4.1.6. to exercise other rights stipulated by this Agreement and the norms of the current legislation of Monaco.

4.2. The Buyer undertakes:

4.2.1. properly and fully fulfill all its obligations under this Agreement;

4.2.2. before entering into this Agreement, carefully familiarize themselves with its content and conditions, as well as familiarize themselves with the cost of the Goods offered for sale in the online store, the methods and procedures for its payment, and the terms of return;

4.2.3. before concluding this Agreement, carefully familiarize themselves with the cost and methods of delivery of the Goods on the “Delivery and Payment” page on the website of the Internet store Ciseles.

4.2.4. in the manner and under the conditions established by this Agreement, accept the ordered high-quality and complete Goods;

4.2.5. to pay the price of the ordered Goods within the terms and conditions established by this Agreement;

4.2.6. perform other duties stipulated by this Agreement and the norms of the current legislation of Monaco.

4.3. The Seller has the right:

4.3.1. depending on the market situation, periodically review and change the price of the Goods offered for sale in the online store;

4.3.2. to hold Sales and offer Promotional offers that provide a temporary opportunity to purchase the Product on more favorable terms than usual;

4.3.3. to exercise other rights stipulated by this Agreement and the norms of the current legislation of Monaco.

4.4. The Seller undertakes:

4.4.1. properly and fully fulfill all its obligations under this Agreement;

4.4.2. provide the Buyer with complete and reliable information about the Product and its value by posting this information on the website:;

4.4.3. to provide the Buyer with complete and reliable information about the cost and methods of delivery of the Goods by posting this information on the “Delivery and Payment” pages on the website of Ciseles Online Store.

4.4.4. ensure compliance of the Product ordered by the Buyer with the information about it provided to the Buyer;

4.4.5. fulfill other duties stipulated by this Agreement and the norms of the current legislation of Monaco.


5.1. The cost of the Goods under this Agreement is determined based on the price of this Product indicated in the online store at the time of sending the Buyer the corresponding Order for the Goods and is indicated in the appropriate column in the automatic electronic notification of the Buyer about the processing of this Order for the Goods, and the serial number of this Order assigned by the Seller.

5.2. The price of the Goods specified in paragraph 5.1. of this Agreement is final and non-negotiable.

5.3. The Buyer pays for the Goods in one of the following ways, chosen by the Buyer when sending the relevant Order for the Goods:

5.3.1. By transferring funds to the current account of the Seller in the manner provided for by the current legislation of Monaco;

5.3.2. By payment card (credit or debit card) using the appropriate online payment system, integrated into the relevant section of the website of the online store;

5.3.3. By another method chosen by the Buyer from the proposed payment methods, indicated in the appropriate column of the “Order form” of the website of the online store, which the Buyer must fill out and send to the Seller in the manner prescribed by this Agreement.

5.4. The moment of payment for the Goods is considered the moment of crediting the full amount of the cost of the ordered Goods to the current account of the Seller.

5.5. The Seller has the right to hold Promotions that provide for the purchase of the Goods on more favorable terms than usual. Such Promotions are held for a certain period, during which the Buyer has the right to purchase the Goods participating in the Promotion at their promotional price. The terms of such Promotions are indicated in the appropriate sections of the website of the online store, and their terms may be terminated or changed by the Seller at any time without prior notice to the Buyer.


6.1. Delivery of the Goods to the Buyer (or the Recipient of the Goods specified by the Buyer) is carried out by one of the following methods chosen by the Buyer when sending the corresponding Order for the Goods:

6.1.1. By delivery service to the address specified by the Buyer;

6.1.2. By self-pickup from the store, if such an option is available and indicated on the website.

6.2. The Seller undertakes to make every effort to deliver the Goods to the Buyer in the shortest possible time. The maximum delivery time of the Goods to the Buyer should not exceed 30 calendar days from the date of processing by the Seller of the relevant Order for the Goods.

6.3. In case of late delivery of the Goods due to the fault of the Seller, the Buyer has the right to refuse to accept and pay for the Goods and demand a refund of the money paid for the Goods, or to agree with the Seller on new delivery terms.

6.4. If the Buyer refuses to accept the delivered Goods for reasons not related to its quality, completeness or compliance with the Order for the Goods, the delivery cost of the Goods is not refundable.


7.1. The Buyer has the right to return the Goods of proper quality within 14 calendar days from the date of delivery of the Goods to the Buyer, provided that the Goods have not been used, their consumer properties and presentation have been preserved, and the Buyer has preserved the document confirming the fact and terms of purchase of these Goods.

7.2. The Buyer has the right to return the Goods of improper quality within the warranty period established by the manufacturer of these Goods, or if such a period is not established, within 30 calendar days from the date of delivery of the Goods to the Buyer, provided that the defects of the Goods arose not through the fault of the Buyer.

7.3. In case of return of the Goods of proper quality, the Buyer must contact the Seller and provide a written application for the return of the Goods, indicating the reason for the return, the serial number of the Order for the Goods, and the document confirming the fact and terms of purchase of these Goods.

7.4. The return of the Goods of improper quality is carried out by the Buyer by contacting the Seller with a written application indicating the reason for the return, the serial number of the Order for the Goods, and the document confirming the fact and terms of purchase of these Goods.

7.5. Upon receipt of the returned Goods, the Seller must conduct an examination of the Goods to determine the cause of the defect and decide on the satisfaction of the Buyer’s claims within 10 calendar days from the date of receipt of the Goods.

7.6. In case of satisfaction of the Buyer’s claims, the Seller undertakes to return the money paid by the Buyer for the returned Goods within 14 calendar days from the date of such a decision, by transferring funds to the Buyer’s bank account or by another method agreed upon by the parties.

7.7. The cost of delivery of the returned Goods of proper quality to the Seller is borne by the Buyer, and the cost of delivery of the returned Goods of improper quality is borne by the Seller.


8.1. The parties bear responsibility for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement following the current legislation of Monaco.

8.2. The Seller is not responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement in case of:

provision by the Buyer of inaccurate or incomplete information necessary for the execution of the Order for the Goods;

delay in the delivery of the Goods due to the fault of the carrier or other third parties involved in the delivery process;

force majeure circumstances, including but not limited to natural disasters, acts of war, strikes, actions of state authorities, etc.


9.1. This Agreement can be terminated:

by mutual consent of the parties at any time;

unilaterally by the Buyer in the cases and in the manner provided for by this Agreement and the current legislation of Monaco;

unilaterally by the Seller in case of violation by the Buyer of the terms of this Agreement, with prior written notification of the Buyer.

9.2. In case of termination of this Agreement by mutual consent of the parties or unilaterally by the Buyer, the Buyer undertakes to return the received Goods to the Seller in the manner and within the terms agreed upon by the parties, and the Seller undertakes to return the money paid by the Buyer for the returned Goods within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the returned Goods by the Seller.


10.1. This Agreement is a public offer of the Seller and comes into force from the moment of its acceptance by the Buyer in the manner provided for by this Agreement.

10.2. The Seller has the right to unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement at any time without prior notice to the Buyer. Changes come into force from the moment of their publication on the website of the online store and apply to Orders for Goods made after the publication of these changes.

10.3. All disputes and disagreements arising from the execution of this Agreement are resolved through negotiations between the parties. If it is impossible to reach an agreement through negotiations, disputes are resolved in court following the current legislation of Monaco.

10.4. If any provision of this Agreement is recognized by a court as invalid or unenforceable, it does not affect the validity and enforceability of other provisions of this Agreement.

10.5. This Agreement is made in electronic form and has the same legal force as a written agreement signed by the parties.

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